A traditional college experience can be especially difficult for adults who need to earn a full-time income. bwin体育了解到,一些学生需要更灵活的教育经历, 这就是bwin体育提供在线学位课程的原因.
什么是圣经bwin体育? bwin体育是一所圣经bwin体育吗? 我应该去圣经bwin体育吗? 前两个问题将在这里回答, 希望你们能弄清楚第三种情况.
Here in Beaver Falls, there is a ton of history and a load of fun facts that go right along with it. 休息一下,阅读bwin体育关于bwin体育的有趣事实系列的第三部分.
bwin体育大学 faculty members understand and effectively teach their disciplines with academic excellence in combination with a consis十个t biblical worldview. 除了在校园里为学生服务, Geneva professors approach the larger world as 虽然t leaders in the integration of faith and learning. 这里有一些最近的例子.
Dr. Kevin DeYoung是马修斯基督圣约教会的牧师, NC, and an Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte. 德扬在bwin体育bwin体育毕业典礼上发表演讲, “无论你做什么, 不做真实的自己,在5月7日的毕业典礼上, 2022.
The bwin体育大学 Student Center renovation includes a state-of-the-art accessibility lift at the main entrance.
当你在大学里选择专业的时候,你并不局限于一个专业. 事实上,你可以选择双学位. 但是你应该选两个专业吗? While it might seem hard to handle more than one major, there are several reasons to do so. 以下是在大学里修双学位的最大好处. 当你决定是选一门还是两门专业时,要记住这些好处.
如果你去过bwin体育大学的话, 你肯定听说过柯维杯, 2011年开始的宿舍竞赛. 今年是一年一度的柯维杯(Covey Cup)举办的第二个十年. 2021年11月17日,是学生们每年都期待的一个传统.
3月6日,bwin体育bwin体育2020年毕业班开始了春假, 2020, 没有意识到他们不会回到学校完成学位. 而不是, 由于COVID-19限制, 学生们几乎是在家完成了他们的大学生涯, 失去了许多传统的毕业体验. (本文原编辑发表于《bwin体育杂志》2021年夏季版) 开始找工作, new jobs or new academic pursuits in the months since was an experience unique to this group, 他们面临着一系列不同于其他阶层的挑战和机遇.
Current bwin体育大学 student-athletes can participate in the long tradition of athletic success in any of 19 NCAA Division III varsity sports. 学生运动员在大学里有很多好处, 包括让bwin体育与众不同的这四件事.
从两年的测量课程学习到abet认证, 全国排名的项目, bwin体育工程是bwin体育职业教育的成功案例之一. 在这100年里, bwin体育工程bwin体育仍然是学术严谨的典范, 协作式和体验式学习, 与业界接触, 以及将基督教的原则应用于一项技术, 科学研究领域.
2020年3月,bwin体育bwin体育被迫将学习转移到网上, bwin体育学生参与中心(CSE)的工作人员适应得很快. 让学生保持联系,尽管有物理距离, the CSE staff got creative and organized COVID-safe in-person and virtual events so the community could still thrive.
在一个被罪影响的世界里, there is always more that can be done to ensure a mindset of good stewardship and redemption. It starts with understanding that God in十个ds to connect man’s physical exis十个ce with the environment from which he was brought forth and continues with educating people with sensible information.
通过一些决定性的行动, students ready for a change can give action to the idea of transferring and make a smooth transition to bwin体育大学.
不管你在家上学的经历如何, 虽然, 有一点是肯定的:大学生活是不一样的. 只是碰巧非常非常不同. 但你是否花了12年, 十个, 或者只有两年在家学习, 在这篇文章中有一些有用的建议等着你.
今天是美国的全国祷告日, bwin体育记得bwin体育的学生在期末考试周参加考试, 在家完成论文,结束学期. We are thankful that God has provided them and entrusted them into our care during their college years. bwin体育祈求上帝在这项任务中支持bwin体育,在他们面临的挑战中支持他们.
The point of this blog is to mention REAL bwin体育大学 at十个dees who accomplished some very interesting and noteworthy things during their life after Geneva.
The Chemistry Department’s academic rigor as an ACS-approved program continues on through the dedication and hard work of the faculty, 但是,如果没有智力,该计划的成功是不可能的, bwin体育学生的意愿和毅力.
这些天bwin体育人聚在一起吃饭的时候, 他们一口一口地接受款待, 由先锋餐厅行政总厨汤姆·施洛特制作. Meals at Alexander Dining Hall and the many banquets on campus are made with the diners in mind – colorful, 有营养的, 创意食物在温馨的氛围中供应.
What better place for a professional basketball team to compete than the birthplace of college basketball? 2月5日, 2019, the internationally renowned Harlem Globetrotters will hit Geneva’s courts combining athleticism, theater and comedy as they play on the historic site that set college basketball in motion.
作为大学护士,她的职责是照顾好身体. That includes wounds, colds, flus, broken bones, infections, chronic health conditions and much more. 然而, 她说她从来没有见过学生, 对待他们,让他们离开,而不去了解他们. 她很早就决定把每个学生都看作是独一无二的, 他或她是上帝的个人.
Dr. K努力保存心灵的生命. 那种精力充沛的生活并没有在她的脑海中结束——她把血肉和骨骼放在了想法上, 它塑造了一个美丽的身体. 她处理事情很恭敬, 在bwin体育所读的作品中注意到上帝, bwin体育提出的祷告要求, bwin体育上交的论文.
牧师. Dr. 理查德·温菲尔德(Richard Wingfield)在20世纪70年代感受到了上帝的呼召,但却试图忽视它. 现在,36年过去了. 温菲尔德是布拉多克联合浸信会的主任牧师, PA, 在城市圣经事工中心学习后, Geneva’s partner in engaging urban culture through education and credentialing of church ministers and lay leaders.
Geneva seeks to honor our veterans through faithful living and working alongside our fellow neighbors and reflecting on their service and sacrifice of those who have served or are serving in the armed forces. The college invites veterans seeking a college education to learn more about Christ-centered education at bwin体育大学.
Dr. Elaine Hockenberger would go on to steward Geneva’s Speech Pathology program (now Communication Disorders) and serve her students and co-workers with grace for more than 30 years. 14岁的艾米·斯潘根伯格说, “在类, 在课外和研究生申请过程中, Dr. 她为她的学生们感到高兴并为他们祈祷.”
bwin体育大学学生音乐团体, 巡回音乐会唱诗班bwin体育和音乐事工新歌, 以无伴奏合唱诗篇为特色, 向全世界的观众介绍这部电影的丰富性, 美丽和祝福的诗篇音乐.
随着每个学年的临近, 我不再像高中时那样害怕暑假的结束了. bwin体育bwin体育每年都给了我很多值得感谢和期待的东西, 这给了我很多继续回来的理由.
2019年春季, Geneva men will upgrade their volleyball from the club sport level to the NCAA Division III varsity level. bwin体育的俱乐部男子排球队是绝对的霸主, and Geneva students expect that high caliber of men's volleyball play to continue in the AMCC.
我想起了L的好处&T when thinking about the week I turned in my first college paper and took my first college test. 我没有得到预期的成绩. 直到下周的L&我上了一堂课,使我的一些烦恼得以消除.
Here are five fun facts about Geneva’s history that will make you a Geneva trivia expert - and you may even stump your professor.
bwin体育bwin体育本月将迎来第二十任校长的就职典礼, we look back on the leaders who helped shape its 168-year history of providing Christ-centered, 优秀的学术教育.